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Composer of Amiga games like Shadow of the Beast 2 & 3/ Lemmings & Agony


"As a fellow Games Musician who was also in the process of making a retro-remix album, I was keen to see what tack Allister Brimble had taken with his latest project, The Amiga Works.


Having listened to both discs extensively, I can confirm what I originally suspected - Allister has not only retained the warmth and style of his original scores, but he has managed to do this without sacrificing quality or production values.


Essentially, he has managed to pull off the perfect combination of providing the music we all know and love, encapsulated within the polish and precision that only modern mixing and production techniques allow. The whole album puts me in mind of the best of Tangerine Dream, for example the 'Street Hawk' theme and their album Optical Racing, which of course is never a bad thing.



Bravo Allister, bravo! My personal favourties from this great work include; Dojo Dan, The Amiga Never Dies and Assassin."


Check out Tim's website here

Tim Wright



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